Living by God’s Wisdom

How much do you have to invest? Let me tell you a secret - I already know! Yes, believe it or not, no matter how tightly we hold our personal affairs, when it comes to the most valuable resource in all the universe, I already know what you have in your portfolio. It is the same thing I have – each day that God gives us to be alive. Each day, God gives us the gift of 86,400 seconds, 1440 minutes, divided out over 24 hours. Each moment is precious, yet often come to the end of the day thinking about all the frivolous ways we have invested God’s precious gift of time. Time is flying by, so let me ask a different question – what is your investment strategy?!?

This week in our midweek prayer time, we prayed through Psalm 90. The opening verses remind us that God stands eternal, untouched by the passing of time. LORD, You have been our refuge in every generation. Before the mountains were born, before You gave birth to the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity, you are God. (verses 1-2) The next 4 verses remind us that as human beings, our lives are completely controlled by the passing of time. We are “like grass that grows in the morning — in the morning it sprouts and grows; by evening it withers and dries up.” (verses 5b-6) People live only 70 or 80 years on average (verse 10). Why do we age and eventually pass away? God’s Word does not sugarcoat the bitter truth – because of our sin. You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of your presence. (verse 8)

In His wisdom, God knows that to live forever in this broken world would be a curse, not a blessing! What a tragedy, to live beyond the season God has provided for us, only to have to endure the unavoidable heartaches and tragedies of life, with no end in sight! God loves us too much to do that to us; instead, He offers to fill our lives with joy and gladness. The secret ingredient? To live by God’s wisdom. Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts. (verse 12)

Understanding that each precious second is a gift from God helps us look only to Him and His Word for the wisdom we need. We can trust God in these matters. He loves us, not because we are lovely or deserve His love, but because He has chosen to faithfully and forever love us. Satisfy us in the morning with Your faithful love so that we may shout with joy and be glad all our days. (verse 14) When we live each moment of each day remembering God’s faithful love, we go through life full of joy and gladness. When we seek to walk by God’s wisdom, then we know we are making the best investment of all!

Investing with you in God’s wisdom and faithful love!

Pastor Jamie


God’s Amazing Grace


God’s Protection