"We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done." Psalm 78:3-4
If there's one thing we hope you see here, it's Jesus. Our desire is to preach the good news of Christ to our students, our families & our communities. Please take a minute to check out our website and see what we're about.
The mission of Olivet Preschool is to provide a nurturing Christ-Centered Weekday Preschool with a Bible-based early childhood program for the families of Olivet and the surrounding community as an outreach weekday education and childcare ministry of Olivet Baptist Church.

Olivet Baptist Preschool endeavors to have a comprehensive curriculum that is age-appropriate. Since preschool is one of the child's first group social experiences, working together and cooperation are major emphases.
Because we are a Christian preschool, our school curriculum is STEM emphasized curriculum based upon the Bible, God's Word.
Units of study include topics such as: Learning about self, families, plants, animals, the ocean, the 5 senses, communication, transportation, community helpers, etc. Excursions are provided that coordinate with the units of study.
A monthly newsletter informs parents of school activities and curriculum concepts introduced every month.
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion or disability.
Children must be 2 years of age by:
June 1st for summer enrollment
August 1st for fall enrollment
Children must be toilet trained prior to enrollment with the exception of students in Little Lamb Class (2-3 years old classroom).
Children in our two year old program will be accepted in diapers.